Definition : Telnet is a protocol used to logon to a remote computer. The method provides a remote console allowing resident commands to be implemented.
I had to use this about 6 months ago when I was trying to get some client side, voip RTP data for my voip provider. I started using voip to save money on our phone bill as we were running at about $200 a month and I noticed many short calls a day to my wife's parents STD number. The problem with the voip was that it was glitchy so I complained. The tech guy got me to Telnet in to my modem to capture some TTL numbers - this gave him enough info to agree with what I was complaining about so hence he re-routed me to a closer server. This improved my glitchy calls and Ive now lowered the monthly phone bill to $75 !
I can see the value that Telnet provides as it allowed us to remotely capture the information for the remote device.
Finding Telnet on this Vista thing - ok found it, but what were the commands again. Ok use ? - open - nup, cant get it to work. Putty is heaps better anyway, I asked the tech guys last week what they use
Download and install away - great, just a standalone app, no installer.
Opening Putty and typing the address for the Deaking libray :
Doing the search for Bennahum produces 2 results.
I sent the results to my personal email because we cant receive external emails through our student accounts.
You searched for the AUTHOR: bennahum
2 AUTHORS found, with 2 entries; AUTHORS 1-2 are:
1 Bennahum David A 1936 ................................. 1 entry
2 Bennahum Ninotchka .................................... 1 entry
Extras : I went to the address - STAR WARS, thats alot of work & patience and I tested out the dialogue - its spot on !
Telnet seems to be an industry standard to remotely connect to certain interfaces. Today, it appears clunky but does the job. I like the updated clients, as they automate the process of applying commands and environmental variables, are easier to use and often include additional connection types.