May 13, 2007

Module 5: Info-Communication Concepts

During this module I reflected alot on what I have learnt and reflected about what the internet really is. It helped me understand the diversity of people, technology, tools, ecologies, groups and that they all rely upon eachother for adoption, use and many other things.

One of the things that struck me was that the users drive the collaboration and convergence of technology in to the future where it allows us to share information more easily.
Case in point is peer to peer . I dont use it, although know others that have and I tried out a flavour, as in morpheus
Interesting concept of leaching and bandwidth sharing but I felt it unsafe and that it doing more than sharing files or that I'd be in some kind of trouble or danger ... in fact I worked out that it was just using my bandwidth for other nodes while I wasnt using it - I didnt like this and thought about the security aspects. In hindsight, it found most of the stuff I looked for and was sometimes good and sometimes painfully slow.
Other research lead me in to Internet 2 territory which looks like a decent attempt at building an architecture and series of backbones that offer the highest levels of efficiency ... is ground up redevelopment is my summary - definately one to watch.

A recap of all the concepts and I think Ive got the right idea for the essay.

Interesting experience studying again, one that I hope that getting through the unit with all the externel pressures Ive had around new job, car, house, moving etc have made me a stronger and more dedicated academic to study more about the things I thought I knew everything about ... thanks for the experience !