Apr 8, 2007

NET11 - Module 3 - HTML tags

I did some of this stuff in a course a few years ago. At first I thought 'oh no' but now I'm back in to it and its quite interesting. It took me quite a bit longer than I anticipated and I had my challenges with laying a footer and the mailto but there are heaps of resources out there. Looking at the source code of other sites was interesting. Alot you could tell were really well structured and obviously been using some kind of editor to structure their code. Mine looks terribly amateur compared to most of the others but it contains all the elements requested so I'm not too concerned.

Some resources : awesome Mailto link generator http://www.cmg02.com/cg2/mailto.htm

NET11 - Module 2 - Chat

ICQ - I was hoping that thing had died - I used it many years ago almost when it started and had some awful experiences in the times when firewall was more akin to 'firewood' - hacked /crashed badly. I took all the necessary precautions, chosing to create restore points and undertake the task on the kids pc ! where things werent as critical if it was still a dodgey application or someone tried a nasty :-)
No problems with installing, but pulled my hair out trying to find the icq number quoted ... it just wasnt there. After reading the dicussion forum I found the correct number and can report the answers to the task as :
1. The advanced netstudies icq # is 337293557.
2.Authorization seemed to be given automatically
3. The about section contains the following text
'This is the icq identity I use just for my advanded netstudies students'

ICQ has changed quite a bit, I was impressed but glad to get this one finished because on the incorrect information and finally uninstalled it after having a chat with one of the students.

I looked at the IRC additional task and have to conclude that my favourite is MSN. It integrates better in to Windows and is a standard app really with good documentation. Since starting this course Ive made a few conversations with students and is really easy to use and user friendly, even my folks are now using it and we're having chats all the time.